In the frigid, dark depths of winter, a cheerful voice calls for you on the northern wind...
Embark on an exploration of how Yuletide was kept in northern Europe in the days of old. From the chilling to the comedic, the beliefs of yesteryear feel both familiar and strange. We will explore customs, folklore, recipes, crafts, and simple ways you can incorporate these traditions into your celebrations to honor the breadth and depth of the season. You are also invited to join our community of merry Yulefolk as we celebrate together from afar!
🐦Early bird Special! 🐦 Answer the call of the northern wind and the Yuletide spirits of old by getting $20 off!
Regular price: $135
Early bird price: $115 USD
The Yuletide season of old began in November and lasted through the start of February. This course offers 3 months' worth of festive content, making it only $38 a month!
Yuletide: Keeping Old Christmas
Journey back to the days of old and uncover how Yuletide was celebrated in northern Europe. From the chilling to the comedic, the beliefs and traditions of yesteryear are both familiar and wonderfully strange. Together, we’ll explore customs, folklore, recipes, crafts, and history, along with simple ways to weave these rich traditions into your own celebrations. Join our merry community of Yulefolk as we honor the breadth and depth of the season and celebrate together from afar!
Once purchased, you will be prompted to download your welcome letter with further instructions. :)